About Us

Bill & Cynthia
Bill and I met while working at a restaurant in my hometown, Nashville. His grandparents and mother were from Paducah, and he attended Murray State University. He moved on to the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco; I credit his Aunt Nettie East, a local caterer, and his mother and grandmother, both excellent cooks, for his culinary passion. Our restaurant experience includes time spent working in a number of cities — in Florida, Georgia and Missouri — saving up to open our own place.

Bill was to spend a year in Italy but came home early; we were married two weeks later. Twenty-five years on, we have two children, Crosby and Erin, and many friends at New Geneva Church.

Our Restaurant
Finally, in 1993, we rented space for a 12-table restaurant. When the building next door became available, we bought it and created our current location.